Sunday, May 25, 2008

Red Smiley

the school where my son goes has different color smiley faces to determine their behavior. A Blue smiley means great behavior, a green smiley is good behavior, a yellow smiley is okay and a red one is bad behavior. Fortunately, my son gets mostly blue and green smileys but every once in a while he gets a red one. Like last week. He got a red smiley for jumping in mud puddles. It had rained heavily the night before and there were puddles of water all over the play ground, and Austin had to jump in every one of them. That's what little boys do, it's their right to jump in mud puddles. It's part of growing up. He told the teacher that mud puddles were from where the rain peed. Rain peeing, I've never heard that one before. If my son is that creative, they ought to give him a blue light and let it be.

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