Thursday, November 22, 2007

Kids And Music

I wrote thye book Daddyhood which is about life with my two boys. There's a chapter in it titled Teen Culture that lists the problems with children today. And one of the problems is the music they listen to. It's all about violence and rape and drugs. Rap music and hip-hop degrade women. All they sing about is how much money they made and the drugs they do and the way they treat women.

I live near Durham, NC the home of Piedmont Blues. That's right, we have our own kind of blues music in NC. Piedmont blues is where beach music came from (East coast beach music, not west coast). And that's what my son listens to. I'm raising him on good music. I'm not letting him listen to rap, hip-hop or watch MTV. He sleeps to jazz and he likes blues.

What are your children listening to. Do you have any idea? You need to keep up with what they're listening to and what their friends are listening to also. It's the only way we're going to raise our children right. We can't count on our government to do anything. They're only looking out for themselves. So let's loo out for ourselves and our children.

Stop It Now

This is from a blog titled Broken Bread and deserves attention.

Stop It Now
To the Virginia Dept of Health:When my daughter was born prematurely, I would place my thumb into her hand for her to squeeze as she lay in her isolette. When she recovered and came home from the hospital, I would hold and kiss her hand often. After she learned to walk, we could frequently be seen walking hand-in-hand down our street.My daughter will turn eleven this summer. I see her two nights every week, every other weekend, and for two weeks in the summer. I have told her she doesn't have to hold my hand when we walk down the street, but she insists. At times I've wondered how it looks to other people to seea 10-year-old girl holding her father's hand, but this doesn't occupy my mind for very long. I'm more concerned about what feels right for her than about what other people think.I find the latest advertisement from the Virginia Department of Health deeply offensive and hurtful. It is offensive to any man who has a nurturing relationship with a child, because it implies that any father who shows physical affection to his child should be labeled a potential sexual predator. It is hurtful because it twists an innocent gesture of affection between a father and child into something that would make most fathers turn pale. Fathers are not by definition pedophiles, but your ad asks viewers to think of all physical affection shown by fathers as an indication of sexual abuse.Some find your ad ridiculous. I do not consider it funny or ridiculous. I am extremely uncomfortable with the climate of fear that sex abuse and domestic violence advocates are creating. You are creating a McCarthyist environment that may one day drive a permanent wedge between fathers and their children, and which will ultimately be damaging to men's relationships with ALL children. Sex abuse is a problem, but to imply that sex abuse by fathers is of epidemic proportions is both inaccurate and unhelpful.Please stop smearing fathers. Stop It Now.Jeffrey Zeth

Happy (After) Thanksgiving

It's finally over. Now all the parents in America can go to the mall and fight over great deals. I've been there. I've seen it. Normal, everyday, decent people fighting and cussing each other to get the last hot toy for their child.

Fighting over the hottest toy that will end up in the toy box never to be played with again in just two days. I don't know what the hot toy is this year. I remember when it was Elmo. Everyone had to have an Elmo for their child. Where is that Elmo now. Any idea. How about the Beenie Babies? The Cabbage Patch Kids?

Whatever it is this year, you can bet on one thing, it was made in China and it's not healthy for your child. But why do parents buy it. To save a couple of dollars. Is the health of your child worth it?

Mine isn't. That's why I'm buying toys made in America. They're safe, they're cool and they're fun to play with. Sure, they cost a little more. So I just won't buy my boys as much this year. But the things I do buy them will be safe and they won't be made in China.

I urge you to do the same. Aren't your kids worth it?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Toys NOT made in China

You want toys that are not made in China. Go to these sites and shop till you drop. And have a safe and merry Christmas.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I don't know about you, but I am not going to shop anywhere that has Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. And if anyone says "Happy Holidays" to me I will reply with, "And Merry Christmas to you too."

Lowes Home Improvement centers has Holiday Trees for sale. Not 'Christmas' Trees, but 'Holiday' trees. I guess they don't want to offend the athiests. All athiests shop at Lowes, you know. And Walmart is doing the same thing.

Since everything in Walmart is from China, I'll be surprised if anyone shops there anymore. I certainly won't. I love my kids and I don't want them to have stuff from China. It's not safe.

Buy American. You can trust it.

The Book

My book is almost ready for publication. A few tweaks and it'll be published. It's called 'Daddyhood' and it a humorous look at life with my two little boys. It covers everything that all parents go through everyday like changing diapers, getting them to bed, missing pacifiers, giving them baths, I just find the humor in it.

Hopefully the book will make you laugh, make you cry and make you think. If you want a copy for a reduced price just for reading this blog, send your e-mail to and I will make sure you get one.

Isn't that nice of me?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Raging Mad

This morning my "better half" was rushing for work and screaming at the kids to get ready for school, my oldest son is in kindergarten and my youngest in pre-school, and the she strated yelling at me and getting me all stressed out. And getting me stressed out isn't easy because it's my job to teach stress management to other people.

Carson, the youngest was ready, but Austin, Mr. Laid Back was still in his room, sitting on the bed, looking at his trophy that he got from playing soccer, in no rush at all. That's what I love about children. They're never in a rush when they need to be. They're just laid back and easy. And that translates into a screaming, bitchy Mom and a stressed out Dad.

I yelled at him and he started crying. When he got home from school, I apologized to him for screaming and he sat beside me and hugged me. I love that. That's what I love about being a Daddy.

Two Are Better Than One

When Austin was two my wife decided that he needed someone to play with. I suggested we get him a dog. It's cheaper, doesn't make as big a mess and we can name him Brother.

She wanted another child. I didn't think I could give that much love to another child, but when he was born I realized that it was so easy. Now I have two boys and my life is filled with love from both sides.

Bill Cosby said that you can't be considered a parent until you have two children. This is very true. One child is too easy to raise. You need at least two. Then, when something goes wrong, you have no idea who did it. Plus I can't walk in my living room because their stuff is scattered everywhere.

Walking through my living room barefooted is like walking through a mine field. I will never do it again.

A Changed Man

Before my first son was born I did drugs, smoked pot and drinked myself into oblivion. It came with the territory. i was a professional comedian and worked in bars every night. It was there and i did it. When my son came along I realized that if I was to raise him right, I had to get right first. So I gave up my career and the drugs and pot and alcohol and I became a changed man.

I thought I had gotten rid of all my pot stuff like the bongs and roach clips and pin s and t-shirts and stuff, but my son, who is now six, found a pin that I still had with the words, "A friend with weed is a friend indeed" on it. So he put it on his shirt and wore it to school like a sheriff's badge. And he got sent to the principal’s office. She called me and said if I wanted the pin I could come to school and get it.

I declined, of course. I just told her that she could have it or throw it away. Now I’m searching the house for every little thing I can find that relates to pot. After all, I’m on the PTA board. I don’t need this kind of crap in my life.